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Anonymous Announces Video of Media Blackout Of Clinton Crime Story of the Century

With a certain degree of shame, I’ll admit that in recent years my faith is not something I’ve actively engaged in practicing very much, either through my attendance at weekly services, or in my day-to-day living. I’ll admit, that’s not something I’m proud of, but do you know why I say that? I say that because now more than ever, it’s becoming clear to me just how dark the road ahead is, so I think it’s time to be sure my spiritual house is in order.

I just spent two or three hours working in my office with the television on, something I rarely do, and my TV was tuned into the evening “news.” For two or three hours, ALL I heard was wall-to-wall coverage about women coming out of the woodwork with unsubstantiated claims against Donald Trump, and about how he allegedly sexually assaulted them.

Please note, I did not say the women made untrue claims, because I have no idea if all, some, or any of those women are telling the truth or not. I said the news was wall-to-wall coverage about women who made unsubstantiated claims. Without some form of investigation, the only ones who know the real truth are Donald Trump, and the women themselves. Don’t think that stopped every human being with a pulse in the media from dragging Trump through the mud though, and some didn’t come up for air…

Then there is Bill and Hillary Clinton. As you’ll learn in the video below, Anonymous announced that a video exists, that was secretly recorded by the Israeli Intelligence, that shows former President Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old girl on Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Orgy Island.” In the video below, Anonymous says the video will be released soon enough, and we can see for ourselves. The video was allegedly shot during one of Bill Clinton’s many visits to “Orgy Island,” visits that were documented on at least 26 separate occasions according to flight logs. Those same logs also say that Bull was sure to leave his secret service detail behind on at least 5 of said occasions.

If, or when the video is produced, it will be just the most recent in a pile of evidence of evidence so tall, it surpasses Mount Everest in height, and it’s solely comprised of 100% substantiated claims about the criminal conduct of Bill and Hillary Clinton. One would THINK that even the most morally casual people within our society, would stop dead in their tracks upon hearing that video has surfaced of a U.S. president raping a 13-year old little girl… but not if it’s a Clinton…

If past performance is any indication of what to expect, the media will bury this, and continue their campaign tactics involving “The Ends Justify the Means,” until they’ve successfully put one of the most morally bankrupt human beings on the planet in the Oval Office. Who would have thought Barack could be outdone?

If this report is true, about the girl, and the media does nothing, God help all our souls. Just remember something: We get the government we deserve. Period. I’d bet the farm that even if a tape does surface, and it turns out to be Bill Clinton, it STILL won’t matter. At one point before I turned off the television, I got the smallest glimpse of how dark the future is, and I don’t mean far off. That is why I opened by saying, “Now, more than ever, it’s clear what lies ahead, and it’s time for me to be sure my house is in order.”

At a time when the media should be focusing its investigative efforts on determining if this story has any validity, instead the propaganda machine is doubling down on its brainwashing as Clifford Cunningham reports “An upcoming episode of Law and Order: SVU will feature a Donald Trump-like character accused of rape, inspired by a dubious civil lawsuit filed against Trump by “Jane Doe.


Article posted with permission from The Last Great Stand

Michael DePinto

Michael is a member of the fast growing un-silent American majority that is sick of the insanity going on in this country right now. He has been accused of being vitriolic, bombastic, sarcastic to the extreme, and probably worse behind his back. Michael is sick of being branded a right wing-extremist, racist, homophobe, warmonger, or whatever other asinine adjectives Liberal Progressives have for the words COMMON SENSE these days. Michael is also a blogger at The Last Great Stand and an Attorney.

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