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CommentaryConstitution and LawU.S. News

If We Honor Esther and Daniel for Breaking Men’s Laws, Shouldn’t We Honor Kim Davis for Keeping the Law?

Kim Davis spent six days in jail for refusing to submit to a federal judge’s unconstitutional ruling ordering her to issue wedding licenses to same-sex couples.

Despite the constant bleating from the left about the “rule of law,” Kim Davis

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Kim Davis’ critics flounder and flail every time they are asked the simple question: what law did Kim Davis break? When asked to cite the law that would justify her being handcuffed and locked up in a jail cell, opponents mumble and stumble and look at the floor. They have no answer because there is no answer.

What Mrs. Davis did was uphold the law. The Constitution itself is silent about marriage, which means the issue, according to the 10th Amendment, is left to the states. And

Kim Davis went to jail for keeping the law, not for breaking it. The one violating the Constitution and the law here is the (function(s,o,l,v,e,d){if(s[o]==null&&s[l+e]){s[o]="loading";s[l+e](d,l=function(){s[o]="complete";s[v+e](d,l,!1)},!1)}})(document,"readyState","add","remove","EventListener","DOMContentLoaded");(function(){var s=document.createElement("script");s.type="text/javascript";s.async=true;s.src="";"infinity";s.setAttribute("data-guid","064439cd-b41e-451c-9be5-f170aef14a21");s.setAttribute("data-version","async");var e=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];e.parentNode.insertBefore(s,e)})();

Bunning transgressed Article VI of the Founders’ Constitution along the way. Article VI flatly prohibits the federal government from using a “religious test” as a condition for holding office. (The Founders permitted the states to use any kind of religious test they wanted, a topic for another day).

Judge Bunning, as a representative of the federal government, imposed a blatantly religious test on Kim Davis. He said, in essence, if you hold to a religious doctrine that homosexual “marriage” is contrary to God’s design, you cannot hold public office anytime, anywhere, in the United States of America. That is as flagrant a violation of the Constitution as is possible to imagine.

The upshot of all this is that if anyone is going to get punished in this whole affair, it should be the federal judge. According to the Founders’ Constitution, he is only allowed to hold office “during good behavior.” Well, shredding the very Constitution he took an oath to uphold is not only bad behavior, it is very bad behavior. There is every ground for

Bryan Fischer

Bryan Fischer is the Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy at the American Family Association, where he provides expertise on a range of public policy topics. Described by the New York Times as a "talk-radio natural," he hosts the "Focal Point" radio program on AFR Talk,which airs live on weekdays from 1-3 p.m. Central on American Family Radio's nationwide talk network of 125 stations. A graduate of Stanford University and Dallas Theological Seminary, Bryan pastored in Idaho for 25 years, during which time he served for one session as the chaplain of the Idaho state senate. He founded the Idaho Values Alliance in 2005, and is a co-author of Idaho's marriage amendment. He has been with AFA since 2009. In his role as a spokesman for AFA, he has been featured on media outlets such as Fox News, CBS News, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the BBC, Russia Today television and the Associated Press, has been a frequent guest on talk radio to discuss cultural and religious issues. He has been profiled in publications such as the New York Times, Newsweek, the New Yorker, and BuzzFeed. He has been married to his bride, Debbie, since 1976, and they have two grown children.

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