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They Know What Comes Next: Russian Citizens Are “Stocking Up On Essentials In Case Of War”

The United States isn’t the only place where you’ll find citizens concerned with a rapidly deteriorating geo-political landscape and the real possibility of another World War.

According to a report from Newsweek titled In Europe and Russia There’s Talk Of War, plenty of Russians feel the same way:

Recently, I grabbed a taxi in Moscow. When the driver asked me where I was from, I told him the United States. “I went there once,” he said, “to Chicago. I really liked it.”

“But tell me something,” he added. “When are we going to war?”

The question, put so starkly, so honestly, shocked me. “Well, I hope never,” I replied. “No one wants war.”

At the office, I ask a Russian employee about the mood in his working class Moscow neighborhood. The old people are buying salt, matches and gretchka [buckwheat], he tells me—the time-worn refuge for Russians stocking up on essentials in case of war.

Older generations of Russians know exactly what the build up to a war looks like and signs around the world indicative of serious problems simply can’t be ignored.

With Vladimir Putin having recently purged 50 of his top commanders following an old Soviet doctrine that calls for exactly such maneuvers ahead of war, there appear to be a variety of actions being undertaken by both East and West in anticipation of a large-scale conflict. NATO is deploying more assets to the Eastern front and the Russians for, their part, are feverishly deploying new weapons systems, one of which is reportedly capable of obliterating an entire U.S. state the size of Texas, as well as a Tsunami torpedo that could wipe out entire coastal cities.

And while it may be easy to dismiss the stockpiling and preparedness activities of citizens as extreme behavior, the fact is that the governments of both the United States and Russia are actively preparing in much the same way. The Russians, for example, have built 5,000 underground nuke shelters in and around Moscow. In the United States, the government’s Continuity of Government plans have called for trillions of dollars to be spent on everything from Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) to literally billions of rounds of stockpiled ammunition by various government agencies.

Like our Russian counterparts, there are those here in the United States who think the world is on the brink of a major paradigm shift. Though the vast majority of the population seems to believe everything is fine, about 1% of Americans are preparing for that eventuality.

Author Tess Pennington, whose book The Prepper’s Blueprint: A Step By Step Guide To Prepare For Any Disaster, notes that it’s not just war, but any number of emergency scenarios which could lead to an immediate end to life as we know it in America:

Disasters have been going on for centuries and for someone to think they are untouchable is naive. Roughly 1% of Americans are adequately prepared for a disaster. The other 99% – well it’s not so good for them. Since disasters tend to have a mind of their own and the capacity to cripple our normal way of life, we want to create a well-rounded approach to our preparedness efforts.

That approach may include a number of things that take into account a variety of factors.

Should the United States come under attack by a super power like Russia, a rogue terrorist element or cyber attacker, the end result would be similarly disastrous.

According to Pennington, given that most Americans only have about three days worth of food in their pantries, the obvious first step would be to set aside emergency food meals, water, and foods that last a lifetime. We have repeatedly witnessed the breakdown of medical systems, most recently in Venezuela and Greece, that show how important stockpiling live-saving medicines will be when there are no doctors.

Other critical supplies might include barterable goods with which you can trade in a scenario where our monetary system collapses, as well as the self defense armaments to protect yourself and your stockpiles.

Once the basic essentials are covered, given the continued proliferation of destructive weapons,protective equipment for chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear threats may be in order.

While we hope cooler heads will prevail and that talk of war is just that, we shudder to think of the global implications should the ‘cold’ interactions between the United States, Russia and China heat up.

One thing’s for sure: The world is descending into chaos and disaster is coming.

Article posted with permission from SHTFPlan

Mac Slavo

Mac Slavo is the Editor of

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