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Media Claims Violent Charlotte Riots Were Actually “Peaceful Protests… Hugging One Another”

So Charlotte was the latest city to descend into total chaos.

Mobs of people protesting against the shooting of a black man by a black cop spiraled into violent anti-white riots, complete with looting, beatings and a man shot dead.

And yet, how did the media treat the issue?

One side showed the videos underscoring the thin veil between civility and total disorder taking place. They showed the criminality and thuggish tendencies of many of those who showed up.

And the other side – well – pretended that everything was peaceful and loving. And that it was just a “protest”


Check out this video by Paul Joseph Watson:

The world is turning towards insanity, and the corporate, mainstream media is content to just keep on whistling, using carefully-chosen politically correct language and framing the issues as if everything is just fine. And that’s even with several credentialed journalists being attack by the crowd. This CNN reporter even get knocked over on camera.

It isn’t fooling anyone, but it does reveal the media for who they are and the role they play in public perception and control.

Article reposted with permission from SHTF Plan

Mac Slavo

Mac Slavo is the Editor of

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