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Obama Wants to Steer People from Christ Towards Islam – Claims Christians “Less Than Loving”

Obama said at a recent Prayer breakfast that Christians behave less than loving. Is he the supposed loving Christian we’re supposed to give a thumbs up to, or Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson? Are Murderous Muslims some how more loving? Also, high profile Christian artists are rubbing elbows with democrats, and like secular musicians will lead others to vote democrat. Republicans would do well to be more supportive of conservative artists.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Wow, If conservatives were as supportive of bands (like mine: 20 lb Sledge) the way liberals support the artists pumping their message, we could free some more minds from the brain chains of the left! Visit our website to connect on our social media pages, and leave reviews and ratings! Hear more in this ZoNation!

Alfonzo Rachel

AlfonZo Rachel is a Christian conservative social/political humorist. His work is distinguished by his grinning delivery and rapid-fire rant style in his video commentaries called ZoNation on Rachel is also the founder and drummer for the hard rock band, 20 lb SLEDGE.

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