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Preschool Boots 4-Year-Old After Mother Complained about Sodomy and Gender Identity Being Taught

Editor’s Note: As always, if you love your children, I suggest removing them from any public indoctrination center, including preschool. Teach them at home, and you can do that for free from K-5 by clicking here.

It is surprising to me how many people continue to allow their children to be brainwashed in the state-run schools. It should not be a hard connection to make between the loss of our children and the fact that they attended the same education system. One would think that they would at least wait until the second grade to begin the mush mind program, but this is not the case.

Christian News reports:

A four-year-old girl in Colorado has been booted from preschool after her mother expressed concern over diversity teaching in the classroom that included books on homosexuality and gender identity.

R.B. Sinclair told the Denver Post this week that her daughter’s preschool teacher at Montview Community Preschool and Kindergarten had been reading books to the children on same-sex “couples” and about worms questioning their gender.

There seems to be no limit to how early they will start the reprogramming of the children. Why would a preschooler need to learn about homosexuality? Why are we talking with them about sexuality at all? The reason is simple: falsehood takes longer to sink in.

These children have to hear this filth over and over before it becomes second nature to them. But does this not prove that they instinctively know that it is not normal or right? Does this not show that this is a perversion?

However, the “Uneducators” see things differently or at least that is what they would have us believe.

Christian News continues:

“Biases start as kids get older and start to see differences as negative. At a young age, kids are exploring all different kinds of things,” Kim Bloemen, director of early childhood education for the Boulder Valley School District, told the Denver Post. “It’s about just providing them with all these experiences.”

The reality is we have left our moorings. We have nothing to keep us bound securely to truth. Without God’s word or Law, there are no bounds to our perversion. I discuss this in my book: An Everlasting Covenant. Buy at Amazon.

Article reposted with permission from

Michael Ware

Michael is a husband, father and elder in the church he attends. He also writes at and

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