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Rep. Chris Smith Engages in Hypocrisy on Chinese President’s Visit

The hypocrisy that abounds in Washington, DC, from Hussein Soetoro on through both chambers of Congress, has become so common place and overt that no one bothers to hide it anymore. The dictator wannabe came out and admonished the press for not holding presidential candidates accountable; yet, he refused to grant media journalists access to interview him unless they agreed to “shoot blanks” as far as questions were concerned. This administration has been the worst when it comes to Freedom of Information requests responses and treatment of whistleblowers that no one really pays much attention, but is ready to spit nails if some faux pas is discovered residing in the Republican closet of presidents past and future. Frequently, this administration’s intentional blunders are often attributed to a past president.

Both chambers of Congress play tiddlywinks with this man occupying the Oval Office as they play hard ball with other nations’ leaders. Chinese President Xi Jinping is scheduled to visit Washington today. Ahead of his visit, “Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) joined with Chinese human rights activists urging President Obama not to ‘sideline’ what he called the ‘extraordinary assault on the rule of law’ by the communist regime.”

Smith is so ready to come to the aid and defense of “China’s best and brightest who today suffer jail, torture, and death for freedom” but cannot even call out this administration for its own assault on the rule of law. Nor will Smith call out the wrongful arrest and imprisonment of many of the Oregon protestors for exercising their individual rights of peaceful assembly for a redress of grievances expressly guaranteed in the First Amendment. It becomes difficult to take Smith and the types of representatives like him seriously when none can be bothered to honor their oath of office or represent the people who elected them to office.

In a press release by Rep. Smith, he stated, “A government that does not respect the rights and basic dignity of its own people cannot be assumed to be a responsible actor in the global arena. A government that brutally crushes the yearning of its citizens for fundamental freedoms cannot be a trusted partner able to work on a number of pressing bilateral and global issues.”

Well, Rep. Smith, the average American citizen could not have expressed it better, but not in regards to China; it is in regards to the current federal government and Hussein Soetoro regime taking up space in Washington, DC. With the issue of this statement, meant for China, other nations of the world should be applying the same to the government of the united States. No nation should put any trust in this administration when it routinely assaults the rule of law, ignores the Constitution, and engages in imprisoning political activists who dare to challenge the “regime.” Hussein Soetoro and “gang of oppressors” have demonstrated an overt lack of respect for the rights of individuals and maligned the basic dignity of the citizens of this nation.

An administration that seeks to punish whistleblowers for exposing corruption, criminal behavior and malfeasance in the federal government while promoting debauchery, urging the limiting of religious freedom, upholding the murder of babies in the womb by the millions, and holding political prisoners has little room to criticize another nation for the same behavior. It only boils down to which the united States government would like to be – the pot or the kettle. Where once the nations of the world could trust this nation in its leadership on the global stage, the nations of the world have been led astray if, like the nations of Europe, they adopted the inane, incredibly negligent policies of the Hussein Soetoro administration.

Smith pointed to China’s new laws and draft legislation that potentially legitimizes political, religious and ethnic repression, further curtails civil liberties and civil society, and that extend to censor the internet. He cited China’s “Draconian” population control policies and the gendercide of female babies in the womb as a “massive, festering problem that has catastrophic social and economic consequences.” Rep. Smith went on to highlight China’s practice of jailing civil rights lawyers and labor organizers, the disappearances of booksellers, the harassment of journalists and religious leaders and their families who criticize Xi Jinping.

Rep. Smith should look no further than the White House, both chambers of Congress and every agency and department head/employees of the federal government to see the excrement that is working to uphold the murder of babies in the womb, jail individuals exercising individual God-given rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution, and legitimize violent, criminal, riotous gangs such as “Black Lives Matter.” In fact, Rep. Smith should take a long hard look on the inside for willingly placing himself in a position to look incredibly stupid. That would require a brain wired for such, which he unfortunately traded to a traveling salesman for a pocket full of lint. It is the perfect example of the representation in Washington – read a script without engaging the brain to realize the hypocritical irony of it all.

Smith stated that the US must raise the issue of human rights since US interests and better US-China relations are dependent upon it. It would be wise for the united States to clean up its own backyard before meddling in anyone else’s. Unlike the majority of Senators and Representatives in Washington, DC, China’s Xi Jinping has no difficulty wading through the political waste covering our nation’s capitol and the grounds of the White House. This nation’s leader realizes what is taking place with grandstanding such as this. He won’t fall for it or budge an inch. Xi Jinping knows a sow’s ear trying to be silk purse when confronted with one. He knows all he has to do is say “boo” and thumb his nose for this administration to sink itself without him having to lift one finger.

This appearance by Rep. Smith is no more that another buffoon parading on the stage for his “15 minutes” reading whatever someone wrote for him that sounded profound and enlightened concerning China’s record of human right violations. In the irony of it all, many Americans can see the hypocrisy of Smith and the other politicians in Washington, DC as they follow proudly and swiftly in China’s footsteps by trampling the God-given individual rights of all American citizens. But, the public may only give it a moment’s notice and a brief shake of the head, before continuing on with daily life. It’s a sad day when hypocrisy has become so the norm no one takes much notice. It’s an even sadder day when the people have become conditioned to expect it.

Suzanne Hamner

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.

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