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‘Clinton Corruption’ Premiers at Cannes Film Festival (Video)

As reported by Breitbart this week, there is a major blockbuster debuting at this year’s Cannes Film Festival 2016, and with a rare preview of the movie released as a teaser and included in this post, it struck me as the perfect opportunity to take advantage of a captive audience, and shine some light on several scandalous bits of media all in one convenient post in the hope it goes viral. By the way, I was kidding about the movie being billed as a major blockbuster, but I suppose anything is possible. In the trailer below, the narrator very solemnly says:

“With the Clinton’s, nothing is sacred. Everything is for sale, but WE are the ones that are paying the price. Maybe, just maybe, the American people are tired of being sold sold out.”

Time is running out, so I’m using the release of the trailer as a medium to help me get other crucial information into the hands of voters before November. If either Democrat running wins the White House, that will be the end of the Second Amendment, or it will be the beginning of an all out civil war, neither of which sounds anywhere near as appealing as simply defeating Hillary to begin with by bringing awareness to voters.

With just a few simple video and audio recordings all compiled in this one post, the vast majority of which most Americans have never seen or heard of compliments of a dishonest media, my intention in writing this is to make any human being with a shred of moral fiber absolutely unable to pull the level for Hillary Clinton come November based on what they hear.

As we all know, there are those among us who are not cut from a moral cloth, but I believe they are the minority. I choose to believe the overwhelming majority of Americans are indeed a good and moral people, just people who have just been misled by dishonest power brokers  controlling a phony media narrative. I don’t have to opine much; I’ll just let the horribly disturbing nature of the media clips seer themselves into the readers mind. Hillary doesn’t need much help digging her own grave.

First, in the video below, take a first hand look at the trailer for the new moving titled “Clinton Cash,” a documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book the New York Times hailed as “the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle,” will premiere at a special distributor screening at the Cannes Film Festival 2016.

Article posted with permission from The Last Great Stand.

Michael DePinto

Michael is a member of the fast growing un-silent American majority that is sick of the insanity going on in this country right now. He has been accused of being vitriolic, bombastic, sarcastic to the extreme, and probably worse behind his back. Michael is sick of being branded a right wing-extremist, racist, homophobe, warmonger, or whatever other asinine adjectives Liberal Progressives have for the words COMMON SENSE these days. Michael is also a blogger at The Last Great Stand and an Attorney.

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