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Hey, Self Proclaimed “Fact Checkers” and Mainstream Media, Let’s Not Let That Jim Acosta Propaganda You’re Putting Out Go So Fast!

Notice how quickly the drive-by media and self-proclaimed “fact checkers” gunned down the Trump administration and Infowars with their lying propaganda over the video that was enhanced, not doctored, to demonstrate that all of them and Jim Acosta are lying through their Communist teeth?  Yep, I noticed too, and now they’re trying to move on, but I’m gonna get in one last bit before we do.

Of course, Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson simply enhanced the video from C-SPAN, which was a gif image (motion picture), in order to show the point of contact that the lying media and “fact checkers” said didn’t occur.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Watson then went on to be happy that President Trump backed him up on his comments about the video.  Take a look, and as always, PJW is hilarious in his presentation.

Steven Colbert, you’re lying.

Jimmy Kimmel, you’re lying.

CNN, you’re lying.

Jim Acosta, you’re lying.

New York Times, you’re lying.

Every media outlet from the Associated Press to NBC, you’re lying when you say the video was doctored and that Acosta didn’t touch the woman.  At least C-SPAN is neutral in the matter and simply let the video reprove every single one of them.

But it’s more than that, self-proclaimed “fact checkers” like Snopes simply posted an Associated Press article, which clearly biased towards indicating the video was “doctored” by saying it was sped up, but that’s not doctoring.

Doctoring is when you manipulate the content to misconstrue the reality of what took place.  If you want to see doctoring, go to 0:58 of the video above, and don’t be drinking anything when you do because it’s hilarious.

But it isn’t just Snopes or Politifact and outlets like that.

Take, for instance, websites like, whom I had to have my attorneys send a letter for their libel and they didn’t just correct it, they removed it entirely because they knew I was two days away from filing a lawsuit against them.

MBFC actually called CNN “left biased,” which is correct but followed up with:

Overall, we rate CNN left biased based on story selection that often favors the left. We rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to misinformation and failed fact checks from guests and pundits. However, CNN’s straight news reporting would earn a High rating for factual reporting. (5/16/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 6/15/2018)

Straight reporting?  You must be kidding me?  Did David Van Zandt not watch Jim Acosta lie to Anderson Cooper about this episode and Cooper just sat there and let him lie to the American people, editing the video to not even show the point of contact in question?  Why yes, yes, he did!

Not only that but it appears the MBFC doesn’t know the documented history of CNN’s complete fabrication of “news,” telling stories that never happened.  MBFC isn’t qualified to comment on the subject.

It isn’t just MBFC though.  Newcomer NewsGuard also covers for CNN.  This is supposed to be an outlet, at least what I was told in email and phone communication, that is simply to determine transparency of websites.  Instead, they not only do that, but they go on to do far more than that.  In rating CNN, NewsGuard posts this nonsense.

I’m sure NewsGuard, Yemile Bucay, Anna-Sophie Harling and Amy Westfeldt need to update this in the light of the obvious lies and editing of the Acosta video and decades of documented, outright lies and propaganda by the Clown News Network, but you can’t expect real transparency from an outlet like Newsguard whose writers aren’t transparent about their own political bias, can you?  Nope, you can’t, and you can’t expect it when some of those writers write for other publications that don’t measure up to NewsGuard’s standards either.

The reason this little incident shouldn’t be let go of so soon is that it is one of the clearest demonstrations of the media’s bias, which we all have, lies and propaganda.  It should be used over and over in article after article to remind people about the total dishonesty and complete disregard for reporting the facts by outlets such as CNN and to not blindly trust self-proclaimed fact-checkers who will not tell you the truth either.

CNN has lost its mind to the point that they are suing over Acosta losing his press pass.  He was their inside boy, after all.

But the real irony here is that the media labeled Paul Joseph Watson and Infowars as “conspiracy theorists” and yet, PJW has exposed their blatant conspiracy to smear President Trump, Sarah Sanders and the White House aide.

And Jim Acosta believes he and CNN deal with facts and Infowars doesn’t.  Yeah, right! I’m sorry Jim, I can’t hear you over the booming voice of your hypocrisy!

Article posted with permission from The Washington Standard

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at, and and; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.

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