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Massive Delegate Walkout from DNC after Roll Call Vote, Protesters Shout DNC Stole Their Votes [videos]

Hundreds of Democratic delegates stormed out of the DNC, some in silent protest, after the Roll Call vote was taken last night at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.

The convention emptied pretty fast after delegates from Maine, Idaho, Alaska, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Montana, and California started pouring out. And even more followed.

Outside, protesters continued to shout, again, that their votes were stolen. And again, they shouted from BEHIND A FENCE that the DNC erected to keep them out.

Article reposted with permission from

Bethany Blankley

Bethany Blankley is the Senior Editor for Her syndicated show, "America's Betrayal," can be heard on Conservative Review Radio, WAAR Radio, and other talk radio stations. Her columns have been published by The Washington Times, Newsday, Western Journalism, Townhall, The Christian Post, Charisma News, and others. She was a former communications strategist to four Senators, one Congressman, one New York governor, and several nonprofits. She holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in Theology and Political Science. Follow her: @bethanyblankley &

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