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Politician Who Helped Lockup Filmmaker & Spy On Trump Campaign: Fascism Is Coming To America

Hillary Clinton is many anti-American things, and one of those has been clearly demonstrated in a couple of things in recent years.  However, how the audience at Wellesley College didn’t burst into utter laughter was probably because they either don’t know what fascism is (ANTIFA certainly doesn’t) or they just have short term memory loss.  Yet, Clinton claimed that the idea that fascism can’t come to America is now “old fashioned.”

In an alumnae event at Wellesley College, failed presidential candidate and criminal Hillary Clinton joined former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who are both alumnae of the school, for a reunion of sorts.

Of course, Clinton, a master of fascism herself, posed the idea that President Donald Trump was a proponent of a fascist America.

“I think Madeline [Albright]’s book is really well-named: “Fascism: A Warning,” Clinton said. “And the idea that ‘oh, it can’t happen here’ is just old-fashioned, my friends.”

“The demagoguery, the appeal to the crowd, the very clever use of symbols, the intimidation, verbal and physical,” she added, “this is a classic pattern. There is nothing new about it, it’s just different means of messages being delivered.”

While not using Trump’s name, she mentioned fascists such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, who I’m sure are actually heroes of her’s.

Clinton did reference Trump on several occasions during her speech and continued to use the same old saw of Russian interference and obstruction of justice, failing to reference her own crimes of the use of an illegal email server and reckless behavior when it came to failing to secure classified information.

“I think with the rapidity with which information can be conveyed today because of the internet, it is an even more dangerous set of circumstances…” Clinton said.

Clearly, she was attempting to parallel Trump with Hitler and Mussolini.

“There is nothing normal about undermining the rule of law,” she continued.  “There is nothing normal about attacking the press. There is nothing normal about trying to undermine another branch of government. There’s nothing normal about trying to use the legal system to go after your political enemies.”

“There is nothing normal about any of that.”

The portion I’m referencing begins around 1:09:50 mark.

Yet, this is the same woman that told a bold-faced lie to the American people, along with the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, that the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi were the result of protests against a YouTube video when they knew that wasn’t true.

Subsequently, the administration arrested the filmmaker.

Additionally, what was she doing funding the dirty dossier from a foreign entity, alongside the FBI and James Comey to spy on the Trump campaign?  Perhaps the flavor of that push towards fascism was just too much temptation for Mrs. Der Sleickmeister.

As usual, the Clintons never cease to amaze with their hypocrisy, but let it be known, the only reason she is free and able to pour out this blather is because the president failed to keep his promise to the American people to deal with her.


Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at, and and; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.

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