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The French & Indian War

The French and Indian War was a war between the French and the British, and Indians. The French were fur traders in the New World and claimed land along the Ohio River and the Mississippi River, but so did the British.

This made them both mad and they began to build forts along the rivers.  The British began cutting down trees, which ruined the Indians hunting grounds.

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Some Indians joined the French and some sided with the British.

The Indians were very valuable because they were masters of stealth and ambush.  They would also go on raids and would burn people’s cabins, take children and women as captives (1 Timothy 1:10).

The king of England sent an army to fight the French and the Indians.

General Braddock was the commander of the British army and while the British army was marching, the French and Indians attacked them and shot General Braddock.

However, George Washington took charge.  Three horses were shot from underneath him that he was riding (Psalm 16:8).

He continued to fight, but the English lost that battle.

However, there was a battle of Quebec, which was a fort that the French held and while they were sleeping, the English attacked Quebec and won the battle.

In the end, the British eventually won the French and Indian war.

Judah Dean

Judah Dean is 13 years old and is the son of Bradlee Dean. Judah likes to play the guitar, is in the 7th grade and likes the US military a lot. Judah also likes to travel with his family across the Country in ministry. He lives in Minnesota and has two cats. Their names are Rocky and Adrian.

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