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The War For Independence

The Revolutionary War started when King George III sent soldiers to America and began taxing everybody who was already in America. King George ordered a Stamp Act, which made everyone mad, so mad, in fact, that a mob began taunting British soldiers and throwing clubs at them. The British soldiers fired on the crowd in self-defense and some Americans died.

John Adams took their case and won. John Adams was from Massachusetts and became the second president of the United States.

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In response to the actions of those that the British thought to be unruly in America, they sent in their soldiers to take all the American’s gunpowder and ammunition. The British were marching on Lexington and Concord, which are in New Hampshire, but a man named Paul Revere rode on horseback and warned the people along with the Minute Men that the British were coming.

The Minute Men were men who would be ready for anything in minutes. Well, they got there just in time and stopped the British.

There was another battle at Bunker Hill. The Americans lost that battle, but only because they ran out of ammunition. The general of the Army was General George Washington.

A lot of men left the army when their enlistments were up and many went home.

During the winter, a lot of men deserted the camp, but Washington planned a secret attack on the Hessians, who were German soldiers that fought for money. They were in Trenton, New Jersey. The Americans crossed the Delaware River and George Washington had 2,000 men with him and won the battle.

There was another battle that the Green Mountain Boys fought. Their leader was Ethan Allen and he planned an attack on Fort Ticonderoga, which the British occupied, and won the battle.

There was another place called West Point that was very important to the Americans because they could control who would go in and out. General Washington put Benedict Arnold in charge of West Point, and Arnold betrayed him and turned to the British side.

There was even another battle, except this time, it was on the water. There was a man named John Paul Jones from Scotland who had come to America and became an American. He fought a battle on water and while he was fighting, he never gave up, and eventually won.

The most important battle, however, that officially won the war was in Yorktown, Virginia. General Washington and his Army marched on one side of Yorktown while the French were sailing on the other side and surrounded the British. There, the Americans won the battle against General Cornwallis and the British and the Revolutionary War ended.

So, if you’re thankful for the liberty you have today, remember all these men who suffered and died so we could have it (John 15:13). They were brave men and without them, we would not be here today!

Judah Dean

Judah Dean is 13 years old and is the son of Bradlee Dean. Judah likes to play the guitar, is in the 7th grade and likes the US military a lot. Judah also likes to travel with his family across the Country in ministry. He lives in Minnesota and has two cats. Their names are Rocky and Adrian.

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