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Constitution and Law

The “Constitution Free Zone” is unconstitutional!

A “constitution free zone” is totally unconstitutional. What with Barack Obama’s “constitution free zone” and the Barnett/Levin/Natelson/Farris/Barton gang calling for an Article V convention to gut our Constitution or replace it altogether, our Constitution is under deadly attack.

At Art. I, Sec. 8, next to last clause, the Constitution delegates general legislative powers over the District of Columbia, Dock-yards, etc. to Congress. So! Congress may lawfully make laws re procedures for border security at dockyards.

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Arguably, international airports within these United States should also be subject to this general legislative power re border security – though it needs an amendment to the Constitution to make it lawful.

The Constitution applies wherever the federal government is. It applies in the dock-Yards. It applies in international airports within these United States. The 4th amendment applies in the dock-Yards, at the border, and everywhere in this Land.  Remember!  The federal government is merely the “creature” of the Constitution and is completely subject to its terms. 

Now let’s turn to this: Art. IV, Sec. 4 requires the federal government to protect the States against invasion. The federal government may lawfully require people entering this Country – even Citizens – to show their passports. It may refuse entry to aliens – and it SHOULD refuse entry to a great many aliens. That is how land and sea borders are protected; by refusing entry to aliens.

However, for a very long time, the federal government has been permitting every alien who wants to to come here, and then it uses the danger thus created as an excuse to crack down on ALL of us in the name of “national security.”

Yet, the American People – loyal to their damned political parties – keep re-electing the same tyrants and weaklings to public office. A POX on the Republican Party. A POX on the Democrat Party.

PEOPLE! Learn our Constitution. It is not difficult. You don’t need degrees to understand it. All you need to do is read it and our Declaration of Independence so many times that you come to know them almost by heart. These are short documents and a heck of a lot more worth your time than TV shows. This chart lays it all out in one simple page:  share it – post it – spread it around – pass it out and flesh it out with your personal readings of our Declaration and Constitution.

Publius Huldah

Lawyer, philosopher & logician. Strict constructionist of the U.S. Constitution. Passionate about The Federalist Papers (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison & John Jay), restoring constitutional government, The Bible, the writings of Ayn Rand, & the following: There is no such thing as Jew & Greek, slave & freeman, male & female, black person & white person; for we are all one person in Christ Jesus. She also writes legal and Constitutional commentary at her site: Publius-Huldah

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