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Governmental Lessons for Today from the Book of Esther

After studying the Book of Esther inductively and governmentally, timely lessons for American Christians become obvious. Those lessons and insights are submitted here for prayerful consideration.

At first glance it may appear Mordecai created problems for the Jews by supposedly having no valid reason for refusing to bow to Haman (Esther 3:2), which caused Haman to seek a decree to destroy the Jews. However, in Esther 3:10 and 9:10, we learn that “Haman, was the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, an enemy of the Jews.” Mordecai was obviously a well-informed Jew and acted on the knowledge he had. Being informed and acting judiciously is a lesson for Christians today.

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Notice too, in the first part of the book of Esther, the government was not protecting the good (the Jews), but decreed their destruction because of Haman. Yet, it was Haman who was protected (Esther 3). Obviously, this is not God’s purpose for civil government given in Romans 13, but in chapter 8 of Esther, the civil government allowed the Jews to defend themselves and ordered the execution of Haman and his family; thereby, protecting the good and punishing the evil.

The change in government came not, of course, because the Jews had the opportunity to vote for people who would represent them in their government. Rather, God had providentially positioned Esther and Mordecai in places of influence within their civil government where they were vocal and active even at the threat of death. Mordecai had wisely warned Esther in 4:14, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

This is timely advice for today. We the (Christian) People in America, are here for such a time as this. We have been given the privilege of voting for those who represent God in our government. Sadly, far too many Christians have remained silent at election time, much less run for office. So, we’ve given tacit consent to “We the Ungodly” to govern our nation any way they want!

Thankfully, because those two godly Jews, Esther and Mordecai, did not believe politics and religion do not mix, now represented God and their fellow Jews in government, so the Jewish nation was saved from annihilation.. If they had not brought God into “politics,” what would have happened to the Jewish nation through which Jesus would come and bring us salvation? Doesn’t this story of Esther show again how important it is to have Godly representatives in civil government?

Here is a summary of timely lessons for American Christians from the Book of Esther:

  • The need for Godly influence in civil government,
  • The need for representatives* of God’s people in the civil realm,
  • The need to stay knowledgeable of government rulers and laws,
  • The need for we the Christian people to stay active and vocal in governing affairs,
  • The need to stay informed of enemies of God, His Law and His people, Christians and Jews.
  • *Strong’s Concordance gives one definition of “image” from the Hebrew word in Genesis 1:26 as “representative.”

For Christians to remain uninformed, unequipped, and uninvolved in the civil sphere is for the “salt” to become “saltless.” By ignorance of governing issues, by apathy and by silence of the governed, (for whatever reason), we WILL be trampled underfoot more and more. Silent Christians become silenced Christians as warned in Matthew 5:13. (Compare to Esther 4:14 above.)

A closing thought: Is there any possibility signers of the Declaration of Independence (52 of the 56 signers were active members of their church) had in mind Esther’s comment, “If I perish, I perish (Esther 4:16), when by their signatures they “pledged their lives, their fortunes” (which many lost) and “their sacred honor” (which none lost)?

Betty Howard

A school teacher, who in 1980 had the Lord open her understanding to Humanism and the need to expose it. She has done so by hosting a radio talk show for 10+ years starting in the early 1980's and interviewing local and national leaders who helped expose the Humanistic worldview and teach the Biblical worldview. During that time she was president of Greater Orlando Pro Family Forum. She also wrote and taught inductive Bible studies, in which she included worldviews. In the early 1990s, her ministry turned to working with the newly formed FL Family Rights Committee. Their objective was to expose the state sponsored kidnapping of children under the guise of child abuse. They were so successful, the chairman was elected to the state senate. She has made several missionary trips (mostly in the 1990s) to Guatemala with her surgeon husband. who repaired cleft lips and palates there. In 2001, she wrote and self published the book, God's Gift of Love , in which Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, and Mary, mother of Jesus, tell their stories, (available on Amazon). Because Betty saw what a special lady Elizabeth was and what little attention she gets, Betty has now become Elizabeth's, "self appointed press agent", dresses in a Biblical costume and gives a monologue by quoting Luke One as if she were Elizabeth. Knowing the Lord has called her to a "watchman" ministry, she tries to keep informed from conservative media, such as Sons of Liberty, and then educates others by writing and distributing short articles which includes what the Bible says about those issues.

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